Love in My Fathers Eyes
Wisdom From Our Elders
In light of what is going on around the country and in the world, I’d like to pay tribute to someone special who began serving our country from the moment he was born.
My father must have written the definition of what love truly is. After growing up and going out on my own, I was shocked to find what shallow meaning it had been given by some.
Love, to my father, is never ending. It comes deep from within the heart. It’s not based on a whim or quick judgement, and it never loses its direction no matter what. Love is steady and it never leaves. It’s always available and our willingness to sacrifice everything for it is what once made America great.Click To Tweet
Dad served in the U.S. Navy minesweeping division during the Korean War where he disarmed and destroyed enemy naval mines, and where (in 1953) he later met the woman he dreamed of while stationed in the Philippine Islands. After serving in the Navy, he returned with his beautiful bride to his home in Indiana where my mother became a legal U.S. Citizen.
Everything Dad Did Carried Out His Definition of Love
He found in my mother someone who shared the same belief about love as he and it showed throughout all that they did together, touching everyone in their path with their contagious positive attitude full of dedication, hard work, and pride in all that they accomplished.
They prevailed in their acceptance as an interracial couple because they honored themselves as well as others. They themselves created the world that they wanted. They didn’t expect anything from anyone, instead, they gave to the community and in return, the community gave back to them.
My father knew that in order to carry on life successfully, we needed to each play our own part in caring about everyone and everything forever, and from a very deep place.Click To Tweet
His greatest gift to our country was not given by his service in the Navy, but by how he lived his life every day. My father and mother are now in their 80’s and recently celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary.
We’ve Lost Dads True Art of Loving.
Many are asking to receive but do not give. They’ve lost pride and honor in themselves, but expect others to be proud of and honor them. They expect others to create the world that they themselves desire but do little to create their own. And to too many, love is but only a temporary thing. Let us find our way back again.